Julie on 07983324437, Madge on 07429619657 info@got2b.org.uk

Hi Marion Here,

So here we are 4 weeks into the Youth Café Project.  Julie and I are thrilled with what we have
achieved so far. 

54 Contacts with Young People – 40 male, 14 females.  Age range from 12-19 with the majority being
aged 12-14. Last week we saw the beginnings of a possible new regular group
forming.  Eight Young People who have attended
previous sessions were outside waiting for us to open. They stayed throughout
the entire session and joined with the discussions and activities.

Using simple tools such as flipchart, ice-breaker questions, uno,
and colouring to engage Young People we have had meaningful discussions on a
vast range subjects, including: Home life; school; peer relationships; free
time and curfews. As well as addressing current issues such as alcohol use and
units, personal safety and social media risks including sexually explicit photos
and account security. 

So not just hot chocolate and pizza then – although it’s safe to say
teenagers are always hungry and have put away their fair share!

We have also run a couple of mini-consultations, one about the
skatepark and one about the future needs for Youth Work in the area.  The information from the second helped inform
our bid to the Youth Opportunity Fund at Oxfordshire County Council.  If successful we will be able to provide a
full and varied Youth Service for the next two years.

As the Youth Café Project has proved to be needed, successful and
enjoyable we have also applied for separate funding to extend the project into
the new year and hopefully open a similar project in Carterton……Watch this space!

Best wishes

Marion & Julie
